Legacy Telescope Parts

Our innovative task force members have created 3D files to repair and upgrade telescopes

Legacy Parts - Telescope Tube

Repair parts for telescopes can be difficult if not impossible to find. Or sometimes, a new design is preferred. Download the 3D files provided below to repair or upgrade your telescope.


The dust cover for the telescope tube and "Moon port" for the telescope sometimes be lost. The 3D files provided below will allow you to replace these items.

Please note that the dust cover for the Orion Starblast model released in 2023 is a different size than the Orion Starblast/Zhumell Z114 dust covers.

Telescope Tube

3D files for the telescope dust cover, Moon port, and a few miscellaneous nuts.

Our Goal

The Library Telescope Program fosters scientific literacy, stimulates interest in astronomy, and offers the awe and excitement of exploring the night sky to those who may have never looked through a telescope.